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Jessica wants to hear from you, PV!

Fill out our PV Community Voices Form and let us know what's on your mind. 

Our vision and values:

Our campaign, just like our schools, is a community working together for PV Students. We want to hear about your experiences and what matters most to you as part of the PV Community. Jessica believes that effective policymaking requires actively engaging with diverse ideas and that it is her duty as a candidate and potential PV Governing Board Member to approach this role with an open mind and an open heart. 

Diverse Representation means Diverse Participation.

Jessica values thoughtful discussions with families and stakeholders of varying backgrounds and viewpoints as she believes it is in the best interest of PV Students to listen to all perspectives.

Throughout her tenure in various leadership roles, Jessica has consistently prioritized collaboration and creating inclusive avenues for parents, community members, and families to share their experiences.

Jessica will continue to actively seek out opportunities to engage and empower parents to be active participants in their child's education. She is dedicated to spreading the word and bringing even more voices to the table in support of student learning and growth.  

Problem Solving Means Listening.

As an attorney, Jessica thinks of herself primarily as a problem solver. Jessica will bring her legal experience to the Governing Board to actively listen to diverse perspectives, to identify common ground, and to find solutions that support all PV students.

- Jessica and Team PV Students 

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